Who We Are

We believe that with strong work relationships built on trust, healthy boundaries, clear expectations, effective communication and safe environments that allow people to make mistakes and to explore new ideas without judgment can transform the healthcare industry!

So what do we do? We provide insights into your organizational structure and communication around your organization.  We help you find opportunities to change your culture from hierarchical to relational.  

Think about the last good leader that left your organization, was it just for pay?  Or did it include feeling not supported, heard or valued by their supervisor/ the organization?

We can help you change that by developing skills throughout your teams (executive, clinical, work groups, etc) to do the following and more:

  1. Build Trust

  2. Develop skills for effective value-based communication

  3. Decrease judgment and negativity in your organization

  4. Develop clear and direct expectations and goals that express your organizational sense of value while people feel valued

  5. Building a sense of loyalty and success leading to reduced turnover

Our Mission 

Developing high quality relationships with and for our clients to support their goals and transformation. We do this through curiosity, visioning, expertise and collaboration.

Our Vision 

To build a legacy of safe and connected, authentic relationships for individuals, communities and organizations to discover the core of what they bring to the world and have momentum towards making that a reality.  

Our Core Values

Honor- Valuing each person and idea, using curiosity to explore and co-create a system and environment that is Win-Win

Synergy- Incorporating seemingly disparate pieces to bring them together holistically; filling work life balance with joy and satisfaction

Integrity- Working and living in alignment with our values, mission, vision and professional standards

  • Co-Founder

    Maren is a healthcare social worker currently running her own private therapy practice with a holistic focus. Before working in long term care, She had the amazing opportunity to train at MD Anderson cancer center in Houston.

    Now, she comes alongside individuals, including healthcare workers and students, to equip them to care for their own heart and soul.

  • Co-Founder

    As a healthcare professional, leader and entrepreneur, Simon has led and experienced many parts of the healthcare industry.

    Over the years of coaching physicians and executives, the stories he has heard about the lack of support, the sense of being valued, the loss of trust in the organization has led him to believe that if we want to have a strong, sustainable, and innovative healthcare system, a transformation is needed.

    When he was in the military he saw a highly hierarchical system; when in a large healthcare organization it was the same.

    In these systems, Simon personally felt the lack of value in what he had to give, the lack of support to grow and develop, and a decreasing sense of joy and purpose in his work.

    When he got his Masters in Medical Management, his research showed that there was a path to success, but it involved a transformational change in the organization to build stronger relationships, value people more and provide a consistent feedback and support system for those who wanted to grow and learn in the system.

    Many of his friends and family frequently shared their disappointment in the healthcare system from communication to the lack of delivery of care to the lack of compassion.

    From this understanding and experience, SMM Coaching & Consulting was born to help healthcare leaders, managers, supervisors and organizations learn and develop skills sets that would address the major problems facing the industry today.
